Last updated almost 2 years ago. What is this?

'Physical reality,' as illuminated by the thoughtful reflections of Rob Burbea, can be conceived as the vividly textured, sensorial tapestry that we engage with through the faculties of perception and cognition. It encompasses the palpable world of forms, colors, sounds, and sensations that seemingly exist 'out there,' providing a stage upon which the drama of our lived experience unfolds. Yet, Burbea would gently remind us that this apparent solidity is but a dynamic interplay of dependently originated phenomena, fluid and interpenetrated by the mind's fabrications and interpretations. Thus, while the notion of physical reality serves as a practical convenience for navigation and communication, it remains a construct, a provisional agreement shaped by collective conditioning and individual consciousness, inviting deeper inquiry into the nature of existence itself.

See also: physical body, perception, awareness, life force, bodily experience

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